COVID-19 safety precautions
We have developed the clinic’s COVID-19 Safety Plan from our careful review of guidance documents from the BC Centre for Disease Control, and WorkSafeBC. We will continue to update our safety measures and share them openly with our community, as new measures become available from our regulatory bodies. If you have any questions about our Safety Plan or your upcoming appointment, please let us know.
All patients will be asked at the time of booking, and prior to their appointment, about any experienced symptoms or possible exposure to COVID-19. Chiropractic & massage staff retain the right to defer in-person treatment to any patient who does not cooperate with pre-screening or if any patient screening reveals the risk of infection. The health and safety of our staff and community is paramount.
In order to continue physical distancing as recommended by the BC Provincial Health Officer, we ask that all patients familiarize themselves with our safety measures.
MASKS & HANDWASHING: Put on a mask prior to entering the clinic. If you do not have a mask, please let us know in advance.
As recommended by the BCCDC, patients and staff should perform hand washing or use hand sanitizer:
Clinic spaces will be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the BCCDC’s Environmental Cleaning and Disinfectants for Clinic Settings. In short:
Helpful links:
All patients will be asked at the time of booking, and prior to their appointment, about any experienced symptoms or possible exposure to COVID-19. Chiropractic & massage staff retain the right to defer in-person treatment to any patient who does not cooperate with pre-screening or if any patient screening reveals the risk of infection. The health and safety of our staff and community is paramount.
- Do you have a fever or a cough (new or worsening), sneezing or sore throat?
- In the last 14 days, have you come in close contact with anyone who has or is likely to have COVID-19?
- Are you awaiting results for a COVID-19 test?
In order to continue physical distancing as recommended by the BC Provincial Health Officer, we ask that all patients familiarize themselves with our safety measures.
- Please arrive on time for your visit; no more than 5 minutes early. There is a 10-15 minute gap between appointments to allow us to thoroughly disinfect all contact points between patients
- You will be asked to read over and fill a Covid questionnaire and consent form
- Unless you require assistance, please attend your appointment alone
- If you are an older patient or have a chronic illness and require in-person treatment, we can schedule you as the first appointment of the day.
- Plexiglass and barrier has been added to the front desk:\. If payment is required, the card terminal will be disinfected before and after each transaction. Patients will also have the option to provide their credit card number to our system on file, for contactless payment.
- We will have an exit through the back of the office to have a one way traffic flow. There are multiple therapy rooms so there should be minimal waiting time in the reception area.
MASKS & HANDWASHING: Put on a mask prior to entering the clinic. If you do not have a mask, please let us know in advance.
As recommended by the BCCDC, patients and staff should perform hand washing or use hand sanitizer:
- On entering/exiting the clinic;
- On entering/exiting the treatment room;
- After using the washroom;
- After coughing or sneezing or touching their face/mask
- before and after contact with patient & treatment rooms
- before donning and after doffing a mask
- All health practitioners will be wearing masks and face shields for mutual protection.
- Please keep your own mask on for the duration of your visit. Patients receiving massage treatment may remove their mask for face-down procedures.
Clinic spaces will be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the BCCDC’s Environmental Cleaning and Disinfectants for Clinic Settings. In short:
- Equipment and treatment tables will be cleaned between patients.
- Bed linens and pillow cases will be changed between patients.
- Door knobs, light switches, chairs, floors, and other frequently-touched surfaces will be disinfected at least twice a day.
Helpful links:
- BC Centre for Disease Control
- Provincial Infection Control Network (PICNet)
- Ministry of Health and the Office of the Public Health Officer
- WorkSafeBC
- BC’s Restart