Welcome to Med-Rehab Solutions
A treatment approach tailor-made for your life, your injuries, your body.
Car accidents
Depending in your injuries, being involved in a car accident can severely impact your quality of life. We have the expertise ranging from acute care to get you out of pain, to total rehabilitation to ensure you are feeling your best and enjoying life.
Work injuriesA work injury can leave a lasting emotional, physical and financial impact. We will liaise with your employer and your team of health professionals to get you back on track.
Custom orthoticsYou may have come to accept soreness in your feet as a fact of life, but this condition can lead to many problems leading up the kinetic chain to your knees and back. Custom orthotics and/or orthopaedic footwear may be the right solution for you at work and play.
"Paving a path to lasting health"
At Med-Rehab Solutions Inc. we provide you with all the leading edge treatment modalities to help you recover from your muscle-skeletal issues. We will work with you to discover which treatment plan plan will work for you - whether it's a combination of kinesiology and massage therapy or evidence-based stress reduction methods and chiropractic.
Our goal is to equip you with education, tools and training to help you meet your health goals. |